Eine sexy, herzerwärmende m/m-Romanze
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- Familie gefunden
- Coming Out
- Romanze der zweiten Chance
- Liebe finden
- Sexuelles Erwachen
- One-Night-Stand
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich ihn online finden würde ...
... aber die AOL-Götter haben einen Sinn für Humor.
Monate, nachdem ich das erste Mal gechattet hatte, tauchte eine DN von einem Kerl auf, an den ich mich kaum noch erinnern konnte. Wir fingen an zu chatten und konnten nicht mehr aufhören. Und aus einem Kaffee wurde ein stundenlanges Date.
War das ein Funke oder einfach nur unsere Vorliebe für das schwarze Zeug?
Michael ist längst kein frischgebackener Schwuler mehr, sondern steht dem Mann gegenüber, der das Zeug hat, ihm den Atem zu rauben, wenn er nur einen Raum betritt.
Könnte diese neue Liebe nun endlich seine letzte sein?
Du wirst diese Geschichte lieben. Schließlich hofft jeder, diesen Traum eines Tages zu leben.
Hol dir das Buch jetzt!
Mein Traumdate ist der dritte Band der witzig-frechen Bestseller-Serie Von Wölfen aufgezogen, einer zeitgenössischen MM-Romanze über einen frisch geouteten Schwulen, der sich selbst findet. Es geht um Schmerz und Trost, Familienglück, sexuelles Erwachen, zum ersten Mal schwul zu sein und um einen Mann, der endlich erkennt, wer er ist und was er will.
Von Wölfen aufgezogen ist keine Shifter-Serie. Es kommen darin keine Gestaltwandler vor und ich wurde auch nicht von Wölfen gezeugt. Vielmehr handelt es sich hier um eine amerikanische Redewendung, die sich auf Leute bezieht, die in einem äußerst konservativen, religiösen Haushalt aufgewachsen sind. Bei der Entstehung dieser Serie wurde keinem Wolf auch nur ein Haar gekrümmt.
Diese Bücher schildern das Leben eines jungen Mannes und werden am besten in aufsteigender Reihenfolge gelesen.
Auch erhältlich bei:
Chapter One
Chapter One
This one was an emotional read. Author wasn't lying about there being hard truths. I wonder if his relationship with Donny had happened now if they would've stayed together. His relationship with Ryan was very sweet. Ryan broke my heart with his truths. I was very conflicted about what Michael should do but I fully supported his decision in the end. I'm anxious to know what happens in the next book. I want Michael to have his HEA not just a HFN.
The 4th installment of Michael’s story brings us to Ryan. It was a sweet story with lots of laughs, a big move, a big work change, a new bestie, a new love interest. For Ryan, tons of personal change. Off to see how this all ends for Michael.
This book left me rattled and I couldn't help keep thinking about it long after I finished reading it. It's not about the story. I enjoyed Michael's journey and can't wait to see him meeting his HEA. But what made me kept thinking about the book was, the writing. The emotions poured out in the book, without making it sound mushy is truly a work of art.
After breaking up with Donny, Michael decides a new start is the way to go, so he packs up his belongings and moves to Atlanta, without a job but with hopes for the best. He ends up in Gay Mecca, surrounded by very hot gay men, and after a bit, finds a job and meets new friends with the help of AOL and a couple other online meeting places. In this book, he meets Ryan in real life after chatting with him on AOL. The two become great friends and more, but something is not quite right. Will Ryan become the next love of his life? I liked this book. It had a much different tone, maybe because he was growing into himself as well as growing more assured as a gay man in the 90's. HIs relationship with Ryan becomes the main focus in this book and I guessed what was wrong before the answer became clear. That truth just about broke my heart. But the fact that Michael was willing to make a go anyway kinda made me leary for the outcome of this relationship. Only time, and a sequel, will tell. I am looking forward to the next book in this series. I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
My Dream Date, the fourth book in the Raised by Wolves series by Casey Morales was my favorite so far. Michael is more mature than in the first two books and has been through several experiences including first love and heartbreak. Michael's journey in this book (and the last) was more emotional and pulled me into his life in more than a superficial way like the first two books did. I really disliked Ryan for most of the book and am not sure I would have made the same decision that Michael made, but ended up wanting to give Ryan a chance once the book came to an end. It worries me that there is one more book and this was most likely not Michael's HEA. One of my favorite parts of Michael's story has been his relationship with Dwayne and now Connie. Everyone needs friends like them! I am looking forward to the conclusion of Michael's journey to happiness. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
I have been enjoying following these stories of Michael's journey self-discovery. Each one has given a great description of whatever point he was in in his journey. This one shows Michael is really growing up and learning from his experiences. I received an ARC and this is my unbiased opinion
This is the fourth in a series of books about Michael, a gay man finding love and himself in the recent past. This book finds him more mature and having more interesting relationships. There is more sadness, too, as things do not work out for various sad reasons. It is still funny, but not the hysteria of the first two books. He continues to find friends and strong allies, and in the end, a strong love, so things are okay for now. But this is not the last book, so we know more is to come. I love this sweet boy and want him to have an overwhelming happy ending. The writing is still quirky but so well done it is a pleasure to read. I received an advance review copy for free and left this review voluntarily.
I still love Dwayne and now Connie. But Michael is learning some hard truths about life. I can only wonder where it takes him.
I just want to start by saying, mentally, my "Team Carter" shirt was firmly in place at the start of this book… and actually still through most of it. Especially when he was going even farther from him. I wanted to join the angel on his shoulder and tell him not to go. I felt like Michael seemed the happiest and most filled when he was with him. But at one point, he says that he feels even more for Ryan. At that point, I would say I didn't fully believe it. There was still something off. But before the book was over, I still love Carter, but I was happy for him with Ryan as well. He really was happy and Ryan is great for Michael. One issue that really glared at me though, it seemed there was a chapter out of place. Ryan leaves on a business trip for a week, then weeks have gone by and Michael leaves his job. Finally, Ryan is back and Michael has just been asked to follow a coworker and build a business together- he hadn't said yes yet. They were still waiting on more information that would come the next week. But other than that, the story was really good. You know, until the end when you learn that there will still be another book. Then you want to be happy that there's still more to read, you won't lose him yet, but you also just want him to be happy for good now. I finally loved Ryan for him and now I get the news that the journey isn't over and I have no idea what turn this is going to take. Well… until next time Michael. * I am leaving an honest and voluntary review after receiving this book as an ARC.
An interesting story with an ending I wasn’t really sure about, HFN. Some interesting decisions made by the m/c. As a “true story “ lessons seemed inevitable, such as be trusting but look at clues, at least for me. The journey is interesting as Michael navigates his way through relationships, new jobs and just life in general. I found he was a bit shallow but, hopefully, life will help him grow into the person he’s meant to be. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
I have truly enjoyed every book in this series, the author has really created something quite unique and special. This chapter in Michael’s story has the same unique voice and his narration is wonderfully funny once again. This story also delivers on creating real emotional impact as Michael is taking bigs steps in his life by moving, taking a new job and finding new friends. I LOVED the happy for now epilogue, not every relationship is meant to last forever but still are a necessary and beautiful part of Michael and his journey. Very much looking forward to Michael’s next chapter. This is a wonderfully funny, clever and charming series, I can wholeheartedly recommend. ❤️❤️ I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
This book was a beautifully written continuation of Michaels story. I have liked all the books and this one is even better than the others, so much emotion. I am emotionally invested in Michael's life now and really want his HEA.
Virginia author Casey Morales is a fresh new voice on the LGBTQ literary scene, making his debut with his series RAISED BY WOLVES: A Funny, Sexy Fumbling Out of the Closet group of five novels, MY DREAM DATE being the forth volume. This is a prime time to discover his talent – during Pride Month - and after reading one of these fun (and funny) episodes, likely turning to the others in the series will follow. The mood is well set as the novel opens: ‘I stopped speaking long enough to shove another waffle in my mouth. Dwayne and Jason ate quietly, attentively, allowing me to, well, waffle without interruption. Though how Jason’s ever-present s**t-eating grin survived each forkful of whatever hash he was devouring, I’ll never know. “I never thought I’d fall for a guy who raises tigers an cougars for a living. In fact, now that I think about it, I never expected to fall for a guy at all.” I dabbed the napkin to the corner of my mouth. “Mu whole world had been mapped out, complete with a fancy wedding in a packed church with my mom wiling from the front row I guess the whole gay thing shattered that dream.” Casey’s wit shines throughout this story! Casey distills the content as follows: ‘I never thought I'd find him online . . .but the AOL gods have a sense of humor. Months after first chatting, an IM popped up from a guy I barely remembered. We started chatting and couldn't stop. When we met for coffee, we stayed for hours, but was that a spark or just the java talking? No longer a newborn gay, Michael faces the man who could steal his breath simply by walking into a room. Can this new love finally be his last? Will a dream date turn into a real-life dream?’ The contemporary obsession with social media and online dating has rarely been so well utilized as in Casey’s hands. His gilded sense of humor is infectious and he manages to provide insights (and giggles) about the coming out maneuver. Highly recommended. Grady Harp, June 22